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A4 Holding celebrates the world day of remembrance of the road victims
16 November 2018

This Sunday, November 18, it will be celebrated the 23rd international anniversary (the thirteenth since this appointment was adopted by the United Nations) to observe World Day of Remembrance of road victims.

An important anniversary dedicated not only to the memory of all the victims who died as a result of road accidents, but also intended to comfort their relatives for the loss and suffering, and to remember at the same time all the seriously injured people as well as all those who they devote daily in various capacities to roadside assistance, emergencies and traumatic consequences of accidents and injuries on the road.

According to the WHO data, 1.3 million people die worldwide each year from road accidents and around 50 million are injured. This equates to over 3,500 daily road deaths, half of which are divided between motorists (23%), pedestrians (22%) and cyclists (4%).

Numbers and statistics that also represent a warning for those who, like A4 Holding, manage motorways in Italy, and have always been committed to maximizing their safety standards on their 235 km and beyond of road network.

We have managed, through an unceasing program of interventions and investments, to reduce the percentage of victims of accidents by 43% in the last 10 years, but our priority and indifferent objective can only be to work to the maximum and the best to try to decrease still drastically these percentages.

And we intend to commit ourselves by further increasing investments in ordinary and extraordinary maintenance and technology of our network, but also by trying even more, through qualified awareness campaigns, to fight all those risky behaviors that unfortunately drivers have the dangerous habit to underestimate.

From the end of November it will start right from Verona, and then move to the other areas that intersect A4 and A31 motorways (Brescia, Vicenza and Padua), an empowerment campaign strongly desired by A4 Holding, curated by the association "Verona Strada Sicura" and addressed to newly licensed or upcoming high school kids, to make people understand what carelessness, tiredness and lack of responsibility can lead to the wheel.