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When you drive #usethehead - A4 Holding with Verona Safe Road and Hellas Verona FC for road safety
26 March 2021

The first event, which took place online in the morning of Friday 26 March, saw the participation of about 200 students who were able to discuss the testimonies of Nelly Girlanda, Head of Communication and Institutional Relations at A4 Holding, Massimiliano Maculan, President of the Verona Safe Road association, and representatives of the Gialloblù Club Pantaleo Longo, Operations Director, and Andrea Poncato, Safety & Security Manager.

The participants, the real protagonists of the webinar, were asked to contribute with their own testimonies regarding their driving habits on bicycles, scooters or cars, but also as passengers. The students involved in the fourth and fifth classes are of an age close to obtaining a driving licence and therefore the main recipients of the message of careful and safe driving that A4 Holding, together with its partners Verona Strada Sicura and Hellas Verona, have been promoting for some time.

In the first part of the morning, the results of the "Driving Styles" Observatory were shared, an important tool promoted by A4 Holding in its stretches of competence that allows to analyse the most risky behaviours adopted by monitored drivers. The focus was on the improper use of mobile phones, the use of arrows and seat belts, behaviours on which students were also able to listen to short interviews conducted at the last Tocatì and have their say live through quizzes and interactive content.

Alongside A4 Holding, consolidating a collaboration that has been going on for years and has seen both participating together in direct meetings with students in schools, was the Verona Safe Road Association, which wished to recall its mission and commitment to constantly be at the side of the families of young victims of road accidents, collecting and sharing some touching testimonies.

The importance of safety in all its forms was also reiterated during the speech by Andrea Poncato, who shared significant food for thought with the youngsters to make them aware of how essential it is, especially when driving, to understand and anticipate possible dangerous situations. Together with him, Operations Director Pantaleo Longo confirmed how fundamental it is for Hellas Verona to convey positive messages to the community, especially to those who will actively live on the road in the coming years.

And it was precisely as a final greeting from Hellas that the youngsters were shown a video message starring Gialloblù midfielder Antonín Barák, who spoke about various experiences and recommendations on road safety.

It is the human factor that is the main cause of road accidents today, and it was precisely this that was the narrative thread of the morning that saw the young students, albeit from a distance and with all the restrictions of the case, participating, active and attentive on a basic issue, which has always been a fundamental pillar of A4 Holding's thinking and work.